This study aimed to observe the practice and challenges of educational materials Mobilization in
secondary schools of Kafa Zone. It was concerned with material mobilization practices and
challenge faced for effective mobilization of educational material and implementation of strategies
and guidelines. To meet the stated objective, descriptive survey design was used to carry out this
study. This is so because the design is appropriate for collecting information from relatively large
number of respondents and obtaining appropriate data in relatively short period of time and also
helps to obtain firsthand information from multiple sources. Four groups of respondents were
participated in the study. These were teachers, principals, librarians, laboratory technicians and
Woreda Education Office coordinators which had direct relation with education resource
Material mobilization. At the study areas, 3 Woredas and 6 schools were selected randomly.
Availability and simple random sampling techniques respectively were also employed for school
leaders and teachers. The data were collected through questionnaire, interviews and document
review. Data gathered through questionnaire were quantitatively analyzed using mean, standard
deviation and independent sample t-test. Whereas the data gathered through interview, open
ended questions and document reviews were qualitatively analyzed. Having gone through these,
the study found out that the practice of stake holders’ participation in educational Material
mobilization process was unsatisfactory. In addition to this, Lack of training and continuous
follow up by school office personals and principals in the area of educational Material
mobilization was challenging. Based up on the findings, there was some recommendation.
Therefore, capacitating teachers, principals and education stakeholders through training assist
users in putting these materials into effective usage. To solve educational material mobilization
problems in secondary schools; principals should be worked closely with the school community
and different stakeholders. Organized and planning on issues of educational material mobilization
system should be done integrated by stake holders and the government should allocate satisfactory
budget and follow up the utilization of educational materials.