This study analyzed bread wheat value chain in Annlemo District, Hadiya Zone in southern Ethiopia with
the specific objectives of mapping wheat value chain, describing gender roles and value addition,
analyzing value chain actor’s performance and examining determinants of wheat supply to the market.
Primary and secondary data were collected. Primary data was collected from 138 producers, 35 traders
and 20 consumers by using open and closed ended questionnaire, personal observation and focus group
discussions using checklists. The study identified direct actors of wheat value chain such as input
supplier, producers, collectors, wholesalers, importer, processors, retailers and consumers while indirect
actors were supportive services and some enabling environment. In the study period, sample respondents
produced 5244 quintals of wheat and 69.7% of it was supplied to the market. Since, all wheat value chain
actors have positive margin, the value chain was profitable business and processors were the most value
added actors with high profit. For this reason, the processors and retailers have governing role of value
chain in the study area during the period considered under this study. Out of 138 sample producers
91(66%) of them were male headed household whereas the remaining 37 (34%) were female headed
households. The result of the multiple regressions revealed that, wheat marketed surplus is significantly
determined by 13 hypothesized independent variables out of which educational level, price of wheat,
experience in production, land size and poor access to market information. Accordingly, couple training
and gender consideration, accessing modern sources of information, increasing bargaining power of
producers and other are recommended to make wheat value chain development competitive and
sustainable in the market.